Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday, December 5, 2016

Good morning. I'm sure you're all sick and tired of me saying how lovely it is this with the sunshine, blah blah blah. Right? Haha ... well, it's not just lovely, it's Fantabulous! 😁 I hear Mark washing the car on the driveway ... ah, the sounds of the seasons. 

After chores were done, we headed out on the boat for lunch at Palm Gardens. This is the very casual place where the dogs may sit in chairs at the table. Yes, it sounds silly, but they love it and it keeps them cleaner. Ha ha. Just like the "K's!" 

Having chicken, shrimp and fries at Palm Gardens. Arooo. 

Just cruisin' with Dad. BeeZee liked the floor, out of the breeze today. (Tomorrow is haircut day, so maybe her hair blowing about was annoying.) Robbie sits with Mark IF grooming tools are not around. Ha!

Canal cruising ... Robbie loves the boat!

Back home, chores began again. You know, when you're a homeowner there's always "something." Mark began washing the fence with a new product that is working well ... 30 Second Cleaner. Of course some elbow grease is needed, but it's a good product. 

Me? I'm listing again on eBay. It's not difficult, just tedious. We're both sitting with heat on our backs tonight. Such is life. 

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