Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Good morning. Well as you would know I had a very sleepless night worrying about the kittens across the street. I needn’t have worried as they moved them selves over to our RV storage area during the night. 

When I got up at 8 o’clock I found Mark sitting in his chair watching TV; he said “did the dogs wake you with all their screaming?” Well, here’s the storyline. There’s always a story in this house, isn’t there?

Mark took Robbie and Ms. BeeZee for their morning walk. All was fine, until they got back to our driveway! There, at our front porch screen door was a scrawny little tabby hissing at them, back arched and ready to defend his or her new home! Well, you can  imagine the racket from the Scotties as Mark and I get them on alert by saying “ cats and rats and elephants “ ... yeah, we’re dumb-ass humans! So, the cat ran to the side yard and Mark was dragged towards the house. Once in the house, the dogs tore through it to our back door with their Scottish war cries! 

So, here’s the big laugh, as Mark was telling me this I looked at him quizzically and said “OUR CAT???” 

Sometime during the process of tossing and turning and eventual sleep I guess I had adopted them just like they adopted us. So, after we quit laughing at ourselves, I called Sue and Wayne to relay the story. Of course she had some good suggestions which got me phoning our vet for a price ... spaying and neutering 4 kittens. To my surprise, Dr. Wilson agreed to take all four kittens upon signing a release of ownership. How absolutely marvelous. I know that they have a resident cat at the vet office, and once in a while there have been kittens on display for adoption. Thank you! Dr. Wilson rocks!!!

I called Mark who was on his way to pick up a bag of cat food (and a cardboard box) with the news. Here we are in the picture below setting up a huge crate to transport Whitey and Wilson to our vet. The other 2 remain at large, Ha ha ha, but will no doubt come for a meal later on. 

Yup, Whitey and Wilson are ready to travel. Good luck kitties. 

Mark just came home from Dr. Wilson’s office where both cats just melted into her, so happy and content. They knew they were safe there. How wonderful.  Mark is across the street now setting up the condo for the next two. 🐱🐱

This evening, Karen & Pete are coming over to play Mexican dominoes with us. Since tomorrow is Karen’s birthday we’re going to have birthday cake complete with candles and we will make her suffer through our singing 🎀 Ha ha ha

We had lots of fun ... and my cake was pretty good. Happy Birthday Karen! 

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