Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Good morning. We actually had a pretty good night after BeeZee’s surgery! She had a light dinner, took her medications and slept until 4 o’clock this morning in our room.  We got up, took them both outside for potty, a bit of chicken broth then back to bed til 7. Pretty good. Getting their breakfast together was a hoot, between my antibiotics following dental work, Robbie’s antibiotic routine, and Bee’s antibiotics plus pain meds, it looked like a pharmacy counter.  🤣 

Mark has gone to Home Depot for a few things and plans to do a couple of little projects today. Me? I hope to finish two paintings I’ve been working on, but that depends how long you know who naps. so far, she hasn’t bothered with her foot at all. We had her wear the neck pillow overnight but she seems fine without it today. 

Mz Beez is doing well ... taking her meds, wearing the boot with no distress, eating, drinking and pooping. Life is good. 😜

Sue and Wayne had their kids groomed yesterday and are ready for a trip to their cottage. 👍🏻 It’s a strange year this 2020 ... we had plans to travel with them ... then the virus 🦠 pandemic, my dental work and BeeZee’s paw growth. 🤷‍♀️ It just wasn’t meant to be. 

Tonight I’m going to Pat n Ken’s for a drink, celebrate Marky-Mark’s birthday and relax. Mark’s keeping an eye on BeeZee. (She’s doing very well.) 🐾💕

Having a chew bone while I painted. 

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