Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

It’s a cloudy morning here in the Valley. Ida’s wrath is forecast for Western North Carolina today in the way of downpours. We’ve pulled away from Jonathan Creek so our jacks aren’t clinging to the bank like they were. (That’s how management wanted us … and I wasn’t happy about it from the get go.) 😬

Mark walked the kids at 12:30 and I missed it … so a solo walk for me, and a few stormy day pictures. 

The 125 year old barn is picturesque! Yesterday a big rig was parked here and I couldn’t get the correct angle. The massive silo is quiet testament to building products back in the late 1800’s. 

There’s the silo to the left. Note the length of the old barn! Massive. That’s the steel roofed community room, laundry and several private bath rooms. All spic ‘n span clean. 

Many RVers have fled the area … more than half of the creek sites are empty today. Even in the misty sky the mountains are lovely. 

These folks are here for the season and beautifully setup. Two years ago we had Halloween 🎃 here! It was nice! 

It was LaDonna and Wayno’s night to cook … and it was great. We had a big salad 🥗 and a cheesy casserole done on the Pizzazz. Yum. Afterwards, we played a few rounds of chasing marbles. LaDonna and I couldn’t get a darn card. We were beat sadly again by the guys. LOL

We check the water level of the creek before turning in tonight. I will set the alarm and check in about 2 o’clock in the morning as well. The rain is supposed to continue until tomorrow at 6 o’clock in the evening. 

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