Friday, September 2, 2022

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Good morning. I’m actually writing this on Friday morning as Thursday just got away on me.

Mark and Wayne spent their morning tracking around the woods. It was quite a nice morning, weatherwise. They have been seeing a lot of bear, and not many deer. 

Last night I went to Cheri’s for a very small Yaya’s group. We are used to having 20 or 22, but since Covid, we are lucky to get 9 together! Is it just another thing that COVID19 has changed? Anyway, last night‘s theme was to come dressed as what your dream job would be. So, I went dressed as a pirate. šŸ˜‚šŸ“‍☠️ Hey, I always liked boating so it’s a natural. šŸ˜‚ Most of the girls participated. Pat always wanted to be a dancer and was dressed to the nines including a belly dancer style belt. Trina, a very tiny woman, wanted to be a jockey and came appropriately dressed along with the whip.šŸ˜‚ We had some fun with that I can tell you. Cheri played a 60’s hippie and had the music šŸŽ¶ going. Lynn was a tennis player, Rose a dog groomer, Nancy a suffragette and Donna … ???  Cheri had lasagna, a big garden salad, and a Publix raspberry cream cake. it was a fun evening, and eventually conversation lead to the rezoning variance signs posted near our community entrance.

The variance, if passed, would change zoning on the redlined area from agricultural to residential allowing 264 new homes abutting one of our neighborhood streets. Our HOA will attend the zoning meeting. I outlined our ‘hood in purple. 

So, that was our day! Welcome September!  šŸ 

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