Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Good afternoon. It’s actually a cloudy day here, so we got up and decided to go bowling, just the 2 of us. There was a big tournament going on, but we were given lane six and played three games before ordering lunch. It was a lot of fun, but my average is not improving. Ha ha. I think the goal of this is to improve … so I am working on one thing at a time. This time was to be consistent with my starting point. Mark felt that the lane six has a crest in the middle of it. It’s very possible as the balls tended to roll toward the side. 

When we got home, we had an invitation from Nancy that she had put the pool heater on and we could go swimming. Mark prefers working in the yard so I will take the dogs and go over for a couple of hours. 

We had fun! The Scotties got dipped and paddled a few feet … then ran around the pool deck playing! Nancy, Mary and I swam and yakked. It was 88 degrees and 82 in her pool. Perfect afternoon. 

It was nonstop football when the kids and I got home. 

Ha! Robbie and Mark ‘watching’ a game. Zzz

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