Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday September 7, 2024

We’re ready for our BIG adventure! Nancy’s house/dog sitting our 3 and we can’t possibly repay her this kindness. She’ll be here in half an hour … and 
Mark’s cooking Italian chicken, broccoli and baked potatoes for us.

Firstly, Pat & Ken have picked up a 2 year old Springer Spaniel (rescue) and are on their way home with Brody now! Congratulations! They’ve been missing Sadie who passed on in June. Nancy and I are walking over with a bag of Dr. Harvey’s Complete Chicken & Garden Veggies with hope he’ll like it. 

Last Thursday, I hosted YaYa’s with the neighborhood girls! Mark had made us chicken chili and it was delicious! 

Fun evening! They all met Wyatt and he was a good fella. Nikki brought baby Harper, 9 months old and Wyatt didn’t know what to think! 🤔 At first Wyatt investigated but got too excited. He was running in circles and Harper was giggling. It was cute but too much for the hostess. Wyatt was ushered to private quarters to cool down. 

Tomorrow, we’re off to London with plans to see the cousins and Mark’s nephew.  We have 3 full days before getting on a 12 night Northern European cruise. I’ll TRY to post daily … with a 5 hour time difference and unknown wifi connection it may not happen. 

Monday, Randy has outpatient shoulder surgery at 6:10 a.m.  Dawn is off work a week to look after him. Speedy recovery Randy! We’ll miss you on this big journey. 

Ta ta til next post. 

That’s it for tonight! Ta ta. 

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