Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

Good morning from the fjords of Norway! πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄ 

Room service woke us at 7:30 with a tray full of goodies! We’re going to expect this after the cruise is over. πŸ˜‚ Sitting on the bed drinking coffee, our reflection in the Stateroom glass balcony door was a laugh. We looked like a pair of gnomes! πŸ˜‚ Our shoreside tour begins after lunch! It’s 55F now … so jeans and a jacket are the order of the day. 

Quite interesting to think what our ancestors undertook to emigrate and how their DNA wound up with the likes of Mark and me! Both of us have Norwegian roots. It’s a long story apparently! 

This reminds me of a funny family story!

Sitting around our dining room table, Dad enjoyed  a celebratory drink, announced the mortgage was paid off and lit πŸ”₯ the papers over the highly polished wooden table! (The family was horrified! This wasn’t our 1st fire. πŸ˜‚)

Questions came up… What’s a mortgage? Dad, you’re gonna burn the house down. Eek!

Dad explained that when he died, mom and us kids would be able to stay in the house because there was no money owed on it.  That seemed pretty nice.

Dad had a morbidity about an early death. All his friends would say “Archie, you gotta lose weight. You gotta stop the drinking … quit the cigars. You’re gonna die young!” (Meanwhile, the only thing dad changed after his heart attack at age 36, was he quit cigarettes and took up cigars?)

Dad stated he wanted a Viking funeral!

Me … “What’s a Viking funeral daddy?”

Dad … “It’s when you’re laid out on your boat, lit afire πŸ”₯ and pushed out from the dock!”

Totally horrified I yelled out … “BUT I WANT THE BOAT DADDY!!!!” 🀣

The Vikings were amazing explorers! 

An original Viking ship found in 1960 preserved by being buried in blue clay! Two old women and 1 man were found aboard. This ship is sealed in a safe environment awaiting its new display room. 

This Norsk Maritime Museum also housed the ship that sailed to the north and south poles.

In another building was the Kon Tiki raft which sailed the Pacific in the 1900’s. 

All in all, it was a very good afternoon. We got back and hurried up to supper in the Palm dining room.  We sat with a mother and daughter, duo, and a couple from California. It was a night of good conversation and some fun.  

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