Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday August 11, 2024

Good morning! Have you been glued to the Olympic coverage? We have and it’s been a good way to avoid the heat. Hurricane Debby took our humidity and heat away for a few days which was welcomed.

Our summer bowling league continues with us hanging onto 1st place. Team members Nancy & Linda were away cruising and had pre-bowled so that was good. We looked after Nancy’s property while she was away. 

Granddaughter Hailey had her 17th birthday πŸ₯³ …

and posted this … but I think she’s got plenty of time! πŸ˜‚

Our new boy Wyatt is a real gem. He’s a great watchdog and continues to settle right in with Robs and Beez 🐾❤️.

A couple days ago we sold the ol’ Mounty to a young fellow nearby. He’s delighted to have it and promised to take care of it. 

Bye bye Mounty. 

We’re officially a 1 vehicle family now. The plan is to replace it after our anniversary cruise. We’ll see how it plays out. Most times 1 vehicle is enough for us. 

The YaYa’s gathering was a fun night at Trina’s which celebrated many spring and summer holidays ending with napkin folding! It was fun … yep those are bunnies! πŸ˜‚

We’re very hopeful the end of tRump is near and we are supporting Kamala’s run for the White House! 

Wyatt’s had his 1st boat ride and seemed to take it all in stride. Last Tuesday he had his first dental (no anesthesia) and did great! 

That’s what’s been going on here! Getting organized for our big trip has kept me busy enough … plus I’m painting three 18x24 canvases. 

Ta ta … 

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