Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday, July 19, 2024

Good morning! It’s another beautiful start to our day. Here’s our forecast this week. 

Yesterday we lined up the Scotties for a photo shoot. Auntie Bonnie sent a dress for Mz BeeZee to wear. In the excitement of putting it on her, Wyatt poked his big nose in and voila … 

Wyatt posed for his pretty picture. 😂

Mark recognized the error 🙄 and we put the dress on BeeZee. It wouldn’t quite velcro together. Diet time for the wee girl. 🤣

Sweeties, all of them.  That’s Robbie, BeeZee and Wyatt. They’re all getting along great and it’s not even been a month yet since Wyatt joined us! 

Here they are on auntie Nancy’s porch the other evening. Nancy is enjoying a northern European cruise with her friend Linda at this time.

Wednesday night, we went with our neighborhood group to Longhorns steakhouse the food was delicious and the service excellent. We had planned on going to taste of Brazil, a new restaurant in downtown Eustis. But after checking the menu, it was a bit too pricey for just a run-of-the-mill night out. I hope they will do well, but for us it’s going to have to be a special event evening out!

Sue and Wayne have been enjoying good weather at their cottage. Last night, they hosted a Ukrainian food dinner for their group.

Wayne and Jim and Miss Mimi are enjoying the new sunroom/porch. It looks great. And certainly makes it much cleaner and more usable room.

Randy, after severely injuring his shoulder earlier in the month, is awaiting details on surgery. Unfortunately, it’s caused them to cancel going on the big cruise with us. Of course we were disappointed, but we certainly understand that health comes first.   

We’ve been bowling of course and are currently in 1st place in the summer league. Otherwise, it’s been housesitting at Sue and Wayne’s, and at Nancy’s, routine fun like golf cart rides but too hot to use the boat lately. 

Our garden is doing beautifully this summer! This is a plumeria that Mark has begun from sticks that a neighbor threw out. Seriously, he is a good gardener  

That seems to be the news for now. I hope you all are enjoying a fabulous summer.  

Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday, July 5th, 2024

Good afternoon from Scottieville where it’s bright, sunny and fun!

Wyatt flew in from Tulsa with Bonnie on June 21st.

We had 3 fun days with Bonnie visiting and helping to settle Wyatt into our home. 

Lunch on Saturday at Lake Eustis Waterfront Grill … scallops for lunch!

Lessons from the master groomer! Bonnie breeds and shows her Scotties.

Robbie’s showing off his new look! 

Break time in the SwimSpa … water 87F … air temp 92F. Bonnie was knocked over with the current 😂

Sunday was a ride to The Villages and dinner at Cody’s Roadhouse. 

Wyatt wore pants for the first few days while he learned the potty schedule. He’s smart … caught onto that in 10 days! 

Robbie chilled with Bonnie … grooming was high anxiety for them both. 😂

Monday was Bonnie’s last day … so it was off to Sanford Airport. Back home, we lined up the kids for a picture with a very happy daddy!

It’s 2 weeks today since we added Wyatt to our clan … he’s potty trained and reliable in the house with Robs and Beez. There was 1 skirmish over a blueberry that Robbie left in his lunch bowl. Wyatt thought it fair game but was caught in the act. 🙄 Retribution was Robbie sleeping in Wyatt’s new bed. 😂

Last night the 4th was celebrated by neighbors with loud noises! We stayed home not knowing how Wyatt might react. After watching Robbie and BeeZee he decided it wasn’t worth getting upset over fireworks. 

Our happy trio! Life at our funny farm is good! 

Hope you’re enjoying summer in your area!