Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Good afternoon. It’s been a busy day around here. Mark spent the afternoon helping Marky-Mark with the boat cradle, again. It’s turned out to be a bigger job than they thought. 🤨

Meanwhile, I worked on the boat seats, getting a coat of the stain blocker onto another four pieces. 

My assembly line ... ready for the taupe color paint tomorrow! This will take care of the captains seat, and the side seat where the dogs and I like to sit plus the two back seats. The next job will be the two large sofas on either side!

It was also baking day for the dogs. Today I made them a batch of beef and cheddar biscuits. The Melon  Baller worked perfectly for keeping the cookie size consistent. After that, I baked eight potatoes for them ... with olive oil and garlic.  That’ll keep them going for a couple of weeks!

There was a big kerfuffle in the neighborhood yesterday. Our neighbor Angie‘s dog was being walked by her brother Bill. Bill lost control and their dog Bella attacked Marky-Mark’s dog Brady. It was a very vicious attack and Brady suffered puncture wounds. He went to the vet today, but M should have gone to our emergency vet last night 🙄. Brady suffered very deep puncture wounds that were nearly life ending. The neighbor paid the vet bill, but it has us all worried as to what has happened to make Bella suddenly vicious. (A few weeks ago, Bella got out of Bill‘s control and tried to attack our dogs through our front screen. We were sitting there along with Lew and couldn’t believe what happened.) Marky-Mark is going to file a police report as we are sure something further is going to happen. Bill is not strong enough to walk that dog. They either need to get their yard fenced or a have dog trainer come in and work with them.

Tonight, I’m going with the girls to Yaya‘s at Carol‘s and Mark is going with Jim, Lew, Ken and Marky-Mark for pub grub. 👍🏻

We played a new game ... lots of fun. Dinner was chicken enchiladas with beans ‘n rice. 

It wasn’t easy to get everyone’s attention ... and Lynn walked into the picture just as the shutter clicked. 😳

Nancy, Rose, Carol, Trina & Suzanne

Mark enjoyed a cigar at Lew’s after dinner at Tillie’s and was home later than me! Unusual. 😜

Big surprise news in tomorrow’s blog. 😜

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