Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Good morning! It’s supposed to be a rainy day so we’ll be heading home; Karen & Pete, Wayne & LaDonna, Larry & Susan plus Bobby & Donna are staying another night. Bet they watch the football games at the clubhouse and pool their food for a fun dinner tonight.

As we were hooking up, Waynoe was over watching everything Mark was doing. He and LaDonna are seriously thinking of getting a truck and fifth wheel and selling their 2017 Mirada Class A. While he was watching Mark, his two dogs broke off their lead! They were pegged out by the RV door. OMG they sure went on a crazy dog run. Wayne was able to call Briscoe who came back to him, but jumping Jack flash was having way too much fun. it was like a scene out of the Keystone cops, trying to grab that little skinny  Corgi! I managed to grab his tail and pin him down while LaDonna came and grabbed his head. Between us we got him into the crate with Briscoe. 🤣 

The Briscoe Kid

Jumpin’ Jack Flash

BOTH dogs had broken the clasp on their puppy collars. 

It was an easy drive home, but we did see one brown pick up truck had gone off the road and deep into the forest. There was crime scene tape around it and a sheriff car sitting roadside. Hopefully it wasn’t a fatality. A few people passed us dangerously although Mark was going over the speed limit. There’s no shortage of crazies around! We got home about 1230, emptied the rig, I did the laundry, while Mark vacuumed and mopped the floors. It was parked in its RV port by 4:30. I think that’s a record. For us.  

Robbie was sacked out on the ride home. 💕

It was a great weekend, and we really enjoyed ourselves. As far as the KOA park, the sites need leveling; and more staff to keep up with maintenance. A better Wi-Fi system is a necessity! Even our Verizon service was sporadic in that area. Karen & Pete worked really hard to bring that all together. There are no restaurants or grocery stores within 40 miles. Everything had to be brought in and cooked. What a job. They tried to hire music, but couldn’t get anyone so Pete served as DJ, and he did a fine job.

Now, back home, we are into the boat seats project. It’ll be all finished and put back together by Wednesday, I’m sure.

This week, we will help Randy & Dawn launch their boat and get it over to their dock safely. I know they can’t wait to have it. Today they are at the Hideaway enjoying music and drinks. Fortunately, Randy is feeling better already.

Sue shared a picture of their front entrance garden looking all freshened up with new flowers. 

Beautiful ... we hope to get down south for a visit this winter. 

That’s it for the day! Football’s on the Telly. 

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