Thursday, April 5, 2018

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Good morning. It was nice and cool this morning when we opened the front door at 7 AM. One of the squirrels had knocked over the birdfeeder, or possibly we had a visit from a bear. We will have to check the security cameras. Anyway, Mark and Lew have gone to the project house to do a little work today on the pool. The new owner is quite determined to go swimming as soon as he arrives in Florida at the end of this month. I don’t know, that sounds pretty ambitious based on the color of the pool water right now. 🤢 Ha ha ha. 

Lew tidied the Traveller Palms which have been expanding! It looks pretty good; nice cleanup!

The lower picture was before Lew started!

The guys devised a ramp so the frogs can climb out of the pool ... how sweet. 

Me? EBay sales have picked up so I listed a few more items and shipped one off in the mail. It’s a strange thing, sometimes things sell so quickly and sometimes nothing moves regardless of price. It’s like anything else, it depends on who’s looking. 

Randy and Dawn had a fun day at the Villages yesterday. They were among the missing as they went early to get their taxes done, shop, window shop, a movie and dinner, dancing and a late night bar. Wow, I feel like I had an incredibly lazy day compared to that. Tonight, they are joining in the neighborhood fun. Dawn is coming with me to Yaya‘s at Rose’s house and Randy is going with the guys to the Crazy Gator for pub supper. 

It’s now 9:20 ... Mark & Randy had fun with the guys; Dawn and I ate Taco “Pie” ... drank wine, played Pictionary and Charades and laughed. It was lovely sitting on Rose’s porch; such a beautiful evening. 

That was our day! It was a good one. 

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