Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Good afternoon! Egad, it’s nearly 4 o’clock and I’m just starting today’s blog. We had an eBay sale which had to be packaged and taken to the post office. 

Mark worked at the project house for four hours with Lew while I did laundry and household chores. The Scotties and I watched while the guys tore down the chain-link fence between the two properties with the Mounty. Every day it’s looking better, landscape wise. 

We’re trying to feed Robbie and BeeZee a human food diet ... too many scares with commercial dog foods the past few years, so that’s that. It means watching the grocery ads and getting the BOGOS on chicken, turkey and beef which we did today. They’re sure liking the new program. 😋 

Marky Mark asked Mark to take a picture of his pool with the pool light on. Ha ha ha, so I went along for the walk. Yes, it was happy hour by the time we put our groceries away. Cheers! 

There’s a feathered bird decoration hanging in the pool area, upside down from all the humidity. I thought it made a very cool picture.

Tonight was thick pork chops on the grill with a green bean casserole side dish. We could only eat half the chops ... so huge! 

Pam sent a text showing the Minneapolis forecast for tomorrow ... 8-12” of SNOW. WHAT? Maybe it’s time for another warm up visit Pam! 

We’re both tired tonight ... too much fun lately. 💤 

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