Mr. HandyDoody is awesome!
The painting is 95% finished ... and we are 100% finished for today. 😜
Randy and Dawn are coming for happy hour at 4 o’clock and then we are going to the Crazy Gator for dinner.
Well, it was a fun happy hour at our Sunroom bar with cheese ‘crackers and popcorn We had so many laughs, old stories, and fun.
At the Crazy Gator we chose an area in our waiter Ryan’s section. We had a good dinner and fun time. On the way home we practiced screaming ... just in case! Bwahahaha ... DAWN = FAIL ... RANDY = SO-SO ... MARK = GROWL ... JULIE = FULL OUT YELL, F’KIN TERRIFYING! Just to practice, we pulled up to a car at Stavros ... Julie yelled and scared the S*IT out of the driver next to us at the light. Of course we all laughed!!!
RanDawn’s rebel yell. Hahaha.
After pouring more wino at home, Randy phoned Bob and Jill to say hi. Randy called it a “drunk call!” Yes, it was, and lots of laughs. It was a 4-way, everyone talking at once yakfest. 🤣
Tonight, Sue and Wayne went to the yacht club dancing. They just texted that they are home!
So, that’s it for tonight. We wonder what our buddy Scott is doing? Check in Mac.
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