We sent him a rockin’ singing 🎤 birthday greeting at 7 a.m. (Much appreciated, we bet!) 😂 Our wishes for a great day and wonderful year ahead! 😍🎂. We have plans to see RanDawn at Hurricane’s next week. (Due to COVID19 ... we no longer go out during the busier weekend.)
Our Robbie has discomfort this morning, probably an itchy belly from being shaved. Poor wee guy. He doesn’t understand what he did to make us take him to ‘that big place.’ Mark is putting a bit of Gold Bond on him before he gets breakfast! Hope that helps.
Driving a car over it did nothing to hinder the bug. 😂 It won’t be too friendly to we humans after experiencing car tires! Are these the real aliens?
Then, if that’s not bizarre enough, Iran has joined the ‘let’s re-elect the idiot reality show host’ along with, of course. the ruskies!
What a 💩 ⛈. Decipher that! 😁 (Mark put on Fox News for a few minutes this morning ... which amped up my anxiety meter immediately!) I’m going to hibernate and make art right after my chores are finished. 😅
Sue and Wayne are still experiencing heavy rain in their area. Central Florida seems to be only the sunny part of the Sunshine State today!
Mark went grocery shopping while I finished my housework and dusting. There is just the groceries to unload and haul into the house ... then I’ll get working on RanDawn’s anniversary pressie.
Well look what Mark found in our boathouse today!
Yeah! That’s a hornet next to a dime!

What the heck? Any idea why it’s so yuge???
What the heck? Any idea why it’s so yuge???
Well, our friend Long Wayno researched and discovered that these are cicada killer wasps. Known as gentle giants and (usually) harmless to humans. Whew! I thought I was about to have nightmares. Ha ha.
Well, our little guy Robbie is still in discomfort. We think it could be from being on his back with his legs tied down while the vet did the ultrasound. We just gave him a baby aspirin with his dinner and hope that helps. Poor guy.
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