Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Good evening. Both Mark and I had a mostly lazy day. There were a few funny chores to do such as the talking fire alarms that woke us up two nights in a row. We couldn’t remember which one talked, so Mark didn’t do anything about any of them. When they woke me up last night at two in the morning I took all the bloody things down and took the batteries out. He did replace them all and label them this year. It really freaked Miss BZ out who then woke me up. Well, that was the first night. Last night though she woke up Mark and he got up and took her out, not knowing what she was trying to tell him. Tonight will be a lovely peaceful sleep, we hope.

Sue and Wayne arrived safely at Maggie Valley for three nights. They have their friends Raymond and Amy who  just arrived. I’m sure they will have a good time and lovely fall weather. 

Sue seemed a little miffed that they were parked with the biker gang. 😂 I said at least the biker gang had the sense to book early. Ha ha ha.

Randy and Dawn hosted Brandon Junior‘s fifth birthday party. We love the look on Randy‘s face as Brandon Junior is about to whack the piñata.

Our weather is lovely and cool here with a slight mist in the air. It’s rather unusual for our area. Usually when it rains, it really rains. This mist is rather refreshing. I took the dogs for a long golf cart ride and hardly got the windshield wet. This evening we went for a walk and again, scarcely got wet. It was so lovely that we sat on the front porch with a drink and Mark smoked a cigar.

I worked on a painting today while Mark watched a bit of the Talladega race. As you can tell, it was mostly a lazy day.

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