Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Good morning ๐ŸŒž. Mark and I are being lazy today. We tidied the RV after our dinner PARTAY. Karen might have been overserved, not by my standards mind you. They were going early to the Atlanta Aquarium ... but their truck is still parked at 10:45. We sure had fun and they caught on quickly to Mexican Dominoes. 

I phoned RanDawn and Randy answered with a stronger voice ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป. He’s eating more solid food and that has mitigated the drug upset stomach. He has exercises to do 3 times today so will be tossing the pain meds down! I remember. 

So, I have a load in the washer and one in the dryer and our RV is rocking. Ha! It was vacuum time too. After lunch Pete dropped in for a chat. He measured his sofa which I like but it would be a tight-fit to our opposing slides. It would fit but no wiggle room. ๐Ÿคจ Drat. 

I got another match based on my DNA. This is a first cousin from Canada! Her mother’s name is McNish ... and that struck a bell because my dad told a story about our family name being changed. It was enough to get me interested and working on the family tree.  

At the laser show ... in the pic below I circled the train passing the pond ...

The blue blob to the right is the entertainment stage. ✅ It was a good show! Back home at 10:30, the Scotties were happy to see us. The fireworks were loud enough to hear at our campsite. 

Tomorrow, a famous diner for lunch. Ta ta. 

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