Monday, July 23, 2018

Monday, July 23, 2018

Good morning. The plan for today was to walk around Stone Mountain Village area and then to have lunch at a German restaurant. However, being Monday in a small town, the restaurant is closed. So, Plan B.

BeeZee’s cataract is glowing! Poor girl. 

Mark is cooking sauce for our lunch and Pete and Karen had a refrigerator breakdown last night. So we are pretty sure they are on the phone working on that problem. (Pete got it fixed with the help of a technician from Giant.)

We phoned Randy & Dawn to check on them. Randy is in a lot of pain today, and feeling quite nauseous. Dawn is worried about him and has to go pick up more medication at the drugstore. We will call later on and see how he’s doing.

At 4:30, will you met Pete, Karen, Peyton, Jeanette and Charlie at the pool for a two hour happy hour swim. It was perfect! The rest of them went to the laser show and fireworks while Mark and I enjoyed Robs and Beez on the porch ... no bugs, a glass of wine and the moon. Perfect. 

We’ll come here again! Enjoyable. 

Shorty Hot Pants went to dinner with his family tonight and felt the need to be a guard dog. Grrr 

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