Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Good afternoon! It’s been raining on and off so we’re going to do a shopping run just to get out for awhile. Mark dropped me at Walgreens and went onto WinnDixie for a few grocery bits. We’ve invited Karen and Pete for happy hour Friday and wanted some brie and crackers. Walgreens had some wine on sale but it’s all standing tall ... and there’s a possibility of spoilage. Nasty. 

We’ve been very fortunate here in Central Florida with all the rain. No problem! Many other regions have had massive flooding from south Florida to Michigan including North Carolina and Maryland. Tropical storm Alberto was a soppy one. By 3 o’clock our rain was finished and we took the kids for a ride on The Caddy. It was nice and cool cruising along! 

Tonight RanDawn are with friend Dan at a theatre dinner in Orlando. I hope they’re having a good time. (We went once years ago and it was sort of fun.)

Sue and Wayne have moved into their cottage now ... and are off to Rose’s for dinner. Nice!

It’s a rainy day in many places! Lake Michigan is getting its first ever tropical system ...

We had a nice walk with the doggies, at least as far as my rusty body could go. Now a little Sunshine would be helpful. 😜

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