Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Good afternoon. This day disappeared in a flurry. We started with dermatologist appointments and then Mark picked up the n ew golf cart batteries. Yahoo! Now we’re waiting for new battery cables to arrive, and new seat covers. Schweet. 

I was busy decorating the dining room for our Valentine’s dinner ... and readying the menu. Tonight, we are going to Randy and Dawn for dinner. The dogs are along for the ride. 😍

Rose arrives at Sue and Wayne’s today from Winnipeg. Her flight was delayed yesterday for mechanical reasons. Welcome Rose! 💕

Dinner was delicious ...Caesar salad, tuna steaks and broccoli. (We sat outside until the sun went down.) Randy spotted the big ol’ moon 🌝 ...

YES, that’s the moon! WOWSA ... I believe tomorrow night is an eclipse! This is a SUPER BLUE BLOOD MOON. 

We called Rick on FaceTime, but perhaps after too much wine. Ha ha Ha. Well, we’re quite excited to hear they are under contract and a deposit made. ✅ Sweet ... fingers crossed 🤞 everything goes well through closing. 

WE Celebrated Rick’s good news with a bottle of RedDiamond. Speaking of diamonds, we were blasting Neil Diamond after dinner. 🎶❤️

Back home, watching the news with our Scotties on our laps. Ta Ta TIL tomorrow. 

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