Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Hey! It's already 2 o'clock. We've had a busy one so far! 

First thing this morning I had an email from eBay offering 200 free listings. Of course the catch is you must put them online within a short time limit. Well I had no plans until 5 o'clock anyway, so I began the task. Maybe we'll sell a few bits. 

Mark had his first chiropractor appointment today. Basically, they did nothing for him until they get his X-ray info. At least they're being cautious. Tomorrow they'll see him again. We hope he will get relief from his lower back ache. Poor Marky. 😲 Owwwwie

Tonight is YaYa's at Anita's house. Lynn and I are going on the golf cart ... if the lights work! Mark's going to Crazy Gators with Lew, Jim, Ken and his cousin. (Randy and Dawn have plans tonight so they're not joining in the fun.) 

Well ... it was a  B L A S T. 
Pillow fights ... just like "the boys" imagine! 

And crazy sexy games ...
Ooooo la la ... playing Heads Up. 🤣

And encouraging each other. 

Yep, it was a fun night. 

We were both home by 830 and took the doggies for a ride on the Caddy. We had had some heavy rain which cooled down the evening. It was perfect. 💕

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