Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Good afternoon. Yes, it's been a busy, runaround day. As it is a perfect 72°, Mark decided to spend his day working on the seawall project. So, with him occupied, it was up to me to set up the dessert table and liquors bar for Saturday night's progressive dinner! Four friends are making desserts to help out. 😍

Now for the FUN NEWS. I've been wanting something for about a year ... and then when our friends Meridyth & Timbo got one, that was just too cool. So ...
I'd mentioned it to Diane & Kris, just in case they saw an oldie at TheVillages ... but they had one at Georgia Boys for sale. Sweet. We'll pick it up Monday! (Maybe I can ride to game day on it next week.) 😎

Sue and Wayne had a fab day in Greece 🇬🇷 ... 

Great pic!!! 

Randy and Dawn spent their day getting ready for a weekend company and a dinner party tomorrow night. Lucky us, we're invited. ❤

Speaking of RanDawn ...
Mark found their ideal RV. 😂

OK, that's it for today. 

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