Saturday, February 22, 2025

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Good morning from cloudy Central Florida where it’s 54°F. Yes, we are in the midst of another cold front after having days in the low 80s last week  The weather we can deal with, the troubling political climate is another issue altogether.  At this point in time, it’s important to care for yourself. 

Here are some of the steps being taken in our country and Canada to boycott the oligarchs:

This is like swatting a mosquito when in the midst of a swamp … there must be more that can be done. 

Back at the ranch, as they used to say during the spaghetti westerns, the kids got haircuts last Sunday. We had been trying, in vain, to not clipper them. Their hair was out of control with Belize’s hair about 5 inches long and Wyatt looking like he was wearing an Afro wig on his back.  πŸ˜‚

Here they are, Robbie, Belize, and Wyatt, all freshly groomed and packed together like sardines … the way Mark put them on the sofa. πŸ˜‚ They are so sweet, and Miss B is feeling good again!!! 🐾πŸ₯°

Yesterday when Mark was walking all three Scotties, our neighbor’s small dogs were off leash and their Chihuahua charged (along with the dachshund and a black-and-white small dog) from 3 houses away and attacked BeeZee. Bee and Wyatt retaliated and 2 of the 3 dogs ran for home but Harvey didn’t back down. After some teeth gnashing he ran yelping home. You might think that Mark was in front of their dogs’s house, but he was three houses away! (Bee got a bite on her face.) 😒 Geez Louise. 😑 This wasn’t the first time the Chihuahua got loose and attacked. It’s time to fix the fence or wherever he is escaping from. 

Although admittedly, this picture doesn’t do it justice, we are not putting more plants the new area til our pending electrical job is finished next week. 

Mark extended the landscape stones around the side of the house. It will be pretty with the Jasmine shrubs come spring. We have a ponytail, palm to plant in there as well. In any event, it’s much tidier. 

Next week is our dental appointment and cleanings. 


That’s it for today. It’s housekeeping, laundry and tonight we are playing Catan with Nancy.  Wishing you a happy Saturday and Sunday. Enjoy the weekend wherever you are  πŸ₯°

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