Saturday, January 18, 2025

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Good evening from Central Florida were 75° and cloudy. We had a warm print move in, just for today, and ahead of a very cold front that’s sweeping Canada and the United States. Yes, we will be on the tail end of it, but still pretty cold for us.

I came down with a terrible flu bug on Wednesday and I am just starting to feel better today. I tested for Covid and that was negative, and I have had the RSV shot, a flu shot and the Covid shot. Who knows what this was, but it sure knocked me flat on my back. A trip to the doctors office on Thursday got me some antibiotics.

With me sick on Wednesday, Mark drove three times in a row to Gainesville with Belize for her appointments. She seems to be tolerating everything just fine, and by the end of next week will be finished the 24 treatments. At that time, an evaluation will be done. Then it will be up to us to decide how much further we want to go depending on what results we have so far. She has not had the terrible side effects that usually occur.

Meanwhile, Robbie’s wart that was removed on December 31 turned out to be melanoma. As we are unsure if they got a clean margin, we are going to the university of Florida with him on February 3. There we will have a consultation and be given some options. There is a clinical trial “vaccine” being used to treat melanoma in dogs. If he is a candidate we would go ahead and do it. At this point, we don’t know if the melanoma has spread. It’s a wait and see situation. 

BarkBox day!!! 

I heard from my cousins in Winnipeg that they are snowed in with a big blizzard. Stay safe, and stay off the roads. 

That’s it for now  🥰

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