Saturday, September 14, 2024

SUNDAY, September 15, 2024

Good morning! Room service arrived at 7:30 with a loaded tray. What a fun way to wake up. 🥰  Our good sleep was interrupted by a medical emergency call for a blood donor. Hopefully it turned out well. We’re steaming to Oslo, Norway so it’s a lovely day at sea and a formal night with Champagne waterfall, Broadway Production show and a bazillion more to choose from. 

There’s something for everyone! 

It’s now 1015 and there is a helicopter above the ship evacuating a passenger to Germany. I guess it was a very serious situation. Everyone on the Port side has to be off their balcony and the door closed, but we are on the starboard side, so I will try and get a picture.  

The helicopter returned for the travel companion. Wishing the best of care at the German hospital. 

Mark and I shopped … a Brighton pendant holder necklace and a carved glass piece for the curio cabinet which he chose. Wam bam, done. ✅ 

Mark wanted buffet lunch whereas I do better with full service and a menu. 🤣 We had Bailey’s & Coffee with Perrier on the side then Mark found the carving station and had a delicious looking meal. I didn’t see the carving station (big sign) 😳 and found crab salad and deli cuts. So … Mark found the meatloaf and turkey with mashed potatoes for moi. 🥰 Yeah, I’m like my mom; she couldn’t “find anything “ at a buffet. I understand. 🤪

Now we’re quietly sitting on our balcony listening to the waves while Caribbean Princess runs along at 20 knots to Norway! 🇳🇴 Life is good. 

By the way, Dawn sent a message that Randy is feeling much better. They hope to treat his kidney stones with sound frequencies. 

Did I mention frying my NEW hot rollers in London? Well it happened! So now we’re off to formal night and my hair’s a muddle. 🙄 Maybe no formal pictures? 

Tonight’s dinner of prime rib roast was delicious followed by a Broadway musical show with 16 cast members. It was high-energy dancing with amazing set changes. I took a pic of 1 … 

Yeah, not a great picture. 🙃

That’s it for tonight. We had a great day, some relaxing good company at dinner and a real nice evening show. Tomorrow we’re off to Oslo Norway.  

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