Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Good evening. We are off to meet soon Wayne for dinner tonight. It’s been a rainy day, and we’ve been happy to catch up with a lot of things around the house. Was having been in Casselberry several days, things got out of control. Ha ha ha. Well, I had to mop the floors as the dogs brought home a lot of extra dirt. They were happy to have baths today and for me to wash their doggy beds. Anyway, we are off tonight to celebrate the end of that job. 

On the way to meet soon Wayne we stopped in the Polish deli for Mark to get some kielbasa sausage for Markymark and some blueberry pierogies for Sue and Wayne. We want to go back and meet the new doggies Bow Wow and little bit. Bow Wow would be a perfect addition to the two Black Scotty’s, but they may decide that he is a snack. OMG, Miss Beezy cannot be trusted.  

Well we met Sue and Wayne at Miller’s ale House, and dinner was very good. Afterward we went back to their place in Met Bow Wow and little bit. Oh OMG, they are sure cute pups. Shorty hot pants, Chikki and Mimi all had a good visit with us. Wayne even had a Courvoisier, which I haven’t seen him do in years. It was a fun evening, and we headed home just after 9 o’clock. Markymark and Lani came in and walked our dogs for us. Wonderful to have them living across the street.

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