Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Good morning. It’s 930 and we are off to the Villages … Again. 

Sue and Wayne had appointments for driver licenses today, so they were out and about for a few hours while Mark and I got some unpacking and sorting out done.  They brought lunch home from a local restaurant and we sat down for a few minutes. While the 3 of them were drinking their coffee, I, anxious to get back to unpacking, scooted around Mark’s chair and tipped over the dog’s tiny water dish. 😬 I caught hell. 🤣

No pictures today, but I did get the dining room sorted out, well, at least the table cleared off and the runner put on! There were many more boxes to be unpacked, but by the time we left there were just two left in the living room that weren’t going into the big wall unit. Hopefully Sue will get to them tomorrow and sort out where she wants things.

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