Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Good morning. I was up extra early and working on a painting. Mark managed to sleep in till after 8 o’clock when I put the dogs on the bed with him. Ha ha. BeeZee works her magic ... she rolls about. 

This is Consuela ... she niw resides at our bar area. 😂

When I talked to Diane last night she was feeling pretty good, the nerve block was obviously still working. Sue checked in with her this morning and she had a night with a lot of pain as to be expected. 

Kris phoned tonight and gave us an update. Diane is doing much better today and her little doggie is following her all around, not letting her out of his sight. The home healthcare nurse was in and helped them sort out the sling and the ice machine and remove the drain from her shoulder. We hope she will have a better night. 🥰

Dawn‘s mom has arrived and they were all having dinner when we checked in with them this evening. They bought her a boatload of lotto scratch off‘s.

Jan is going to have fun!!! We will get over to see her by this weekend.

This afternoon, Markymark brought over a few things to put on eBay to sell for him. It helps us, more people looking at our site even if they buy something that belongs to him. It’s a win-win. Anyway, Mark and I finished up that and then sat on the front porch with a drink for an hour. Life is good. And it feels good to make a little extra money now.

Today would’ve been mom’s birthday. We thought of her today, like we do every day. 🥰

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