Monday, March 29, 2021

Monday, March 29, 2021

Well, good morning sunshine! I missed writing yesterday’s blab. So, here goes. 

Sue and Wayne invited us for appetizers and pizzas at their lovely home! It was lovely and breezy so very comfortable sitting outside. The Scotties came along and were good kids staying in their pen alongside the hedge in the shade. LaDonna and I sat with our feet in the pool for a bit to keep them company. 🐾💕

Sue prepared Buffalo chicken dip while Wayne made bruschetta. We hardly needed the two Jet’s pizzas ... “hardly” yet we each had a couple of pieces. 😜 Wee Chiki Monkey was a tad of a diva, but otherwise uneventful. It was a super evening. 

Now, today it’s time to head north and get back to home base ... and 6 loads of laundry. 😳 there’s no rush to get it done as we have a few minor things to take care of on the interior of the RV before we put it into its RVPORT.  

The trip home took an hour longer than usual. We started out on the turnpike and got as far as Glades Road when we were in standing still traffic. We got off at the exit and headed to I 95 which we took to Fort Pierce. This added some time, but was better than sitting in traffic idling. Once we got home, the sorting out of mail etc. began. I’m still doing laundry now at 8 o’clock. Tomorrow’s another day. Hope your Monday was grand! 

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