Wayne, LaDonna, me, Mark and Wayne

Kris and Diane

Wayne & Sue
It was a beautiful evening, drop down into the 50s but was lovely and warm by the fire. We sat out there till nearly 11 o’clock.
It took us a while to find Diane and Kris’s rig yesterday in the campground. Wayno had a good idea and we checked with the front office to get what number campground they are in. That helped, and we found them when I spotted Wayne visiting over there.
They have an outdoor kitchen, nice size bathroom, U-shaped dinette, and a sofa that folds down and a Murphy bed pulls over it. They are having fun, and had a lot of stories to tell. Poor Kris was trying to back it into a site with the sway bar still attached. Well, he found out that didn’t work too well. There were many laughs over that story.

They bought a nice Dodge Longhorn diesel for towing it. They have plenty of power when they decide to upgrade. They went to the RV show today, and Mark and I are betting they find something they like their although they say they are not looking. LOL. We know how that goes.
This afternoon we borrowed Wayno’s golf cart and took the kids for a ride around the RV park. It’s a big place; rigs of all shapes and sizes here. It’s busy with the Tampa RV show going on.
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