Friday, June 8, 2018

Friday, June 8, 2018

Good morning y’all and happy Friday. Although it doesn’t make that much difference to me nowadays with my open schedule, Friday night was always MY favorite. I felt if you “did something” on Friday the weekend felt longer. 😛

So, in keeping with that idea ... we’re picking up Karen and Pete for a trip to Tavares for dinner ‘n drinks lakeside. 

But, Friday’s also housekeeping day. While I vacuumed the two big shag rugs Mark vacuumed the pool at MM’s. Thanks to a bag of rice and some hands on work our icemaker’s working again. That saved a few bucks! Whew! 

Randy and Dawn saw the chiropractor that Sue recommended and (apparently) had good appointments. We have no further details at this time as there are phones go on vacation mode when they are out of town. Ha ha ha! 🙄

Sue and Wayne went to a party at Heather and Bruce’s. Monty and Mary were at the lake visiting. Hopefully they took some pictures.

We had a fun night with Karen and Pete. We went to Tiki West for a nice dinner, but it was noisy. Afterward, we walked over to O’Keefes for a drink and sat at the bar. Fortunately we were missing all the rain. Pete and Karen invited us into their 5th wheel for wine and to meet Lexi, their Maltese. Back home now, it’s about 10 o’clock.

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