Saturday, November 4, 2017

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Good morning sunshine. Mark and I are in a corn hole tournament today at the pavilion. We know it will be short-lived for us, but fun to be involved. We watched them play the past two years and were in briefly last year, eliminated after the first round by Mitzie and Richard. This year, however, we made it to the second round by defeating Mitzie and Richard (haha) and lost to the tournament winners. Obviously, we did much better than last year! 

Liz, Dexter, me and Mark relaxing after playing corn hole. 😜

It’s now 410 and we are ready for the next round of our day. OMG. Liz and Dexter are coming over to play a game of corn toss before cocktails at five and dinner at six. It’s still awfully hot outside, but since it was my game to play, I got to do it. LOL

Finally we got a picture of the chairman of the board, Mr. McNamara. 

They are a wonderful family! 

Mitzie won the golf tournament! WOWSA. 

This year, during the afternoon, the three GRW offices created carnival games to raise money for the veterans. They raised $1500 (Mark and I won several prizes.) The winner of the 50-50 drawing one $1600 and donated it back to the homeless veterans. 

Dinner was pork medallions ... delicious ... and the open bar flowed from 1 o’clock to 3 o’clock and 5 o’clock till 11 o’clock. Some people took full advantage.

Heeheehee ...

The band, the Alter Eagles were terrific ... of course Hotel California was a favorite of mine. Great job!

The golf carts heading home along the lakefront. Fun. 

Tomorrow is breakfast from 8 to 930 and then everyone starts to pack up for home. It’s been a fantastic rally! 

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