It was great to hear that national save the sea turtles foundation's boat in the Keys was unharmed in Hurricane Irma!
Fabulous news! This is a working research boat. 🐢
Haha ... this is for K's grandson Kyle ... he thinks it's easier to have five months of winter than a hurricane. Ha!
Sue and Wayne have enjoyed our weekend in Nashville and should be starting on their trip to Florida today. They plan to be home Wednesday night or Thursday.
Dawn is back to work today but will be off on Wednesday and can attend our ladies luncheon at Pisces Rising. 👍🏻 i'm sure it will be a fun day and then there's always the beautiful view of Lake Dora!
Definitely ROBBIE !!!
We are off to Home Depot this morning to pick up paint for our door and baseboard project. Actually, all the white woodwork in the house is going to be redone. It's time for refreshing.
Hahaha snort bwahahaha ... YUP.
Riley and Parker returned the cake plate today with homemade pumpkin spice cookies!
Sweet ... such nice neighbors!
Mark cooked a pot roast for tonight's dinner and it is smelling delicious. I took Robbie and BeeZee for a long golf cart ride before feeding them. (He's been asking for dinner earlier everyday!)
Tonight is the beginning of dancing with the stars. So, that's it. Ta Ta.
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