Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Good afternoon y'all. We were both up early this morning puzzling about our golf cart woes. I got pen and paper out and went through our troubleshooting notes systematically. Curtis, a retired golf cart tech on walked us through each and every step along our learning mission. Believe me, we know every nut and bolt personally now. πŸ™„

In the end, Curtis said "K.I.S.S." ... check all the wires and cables and go through the troubleshooting AGAIN. Well, it turned out to be a corroded forward / reverse cable hookup. Good call Curtis!

Yay! Tonight we'll be cruising with the doggies again! πŸΎπŸ’• BTW ... all the lights work, er, a bit cockeyed perhaps. πŸ™„

So, it was such a perfect day that we took the kids and went on a cruise to NOWHERE.  πŸ˜ŽπŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸΎπŸ˜ŽπŸΎ
Sightseeing down a narrow canal ... One way in, one way out! Bee was helping Dad. 

Mark is Mr. Popular after fixing their golf cart. πŸ‘πŸ» Aroooo

Captain Robs refused to vacate the helm; til cookies were mentioned. 

So, Susan and Wayne had a busy morning taking their dogs for breakfast in the KandyKoKo. We'll see them this Friday! 

Randy picked up Dawn's mom at the airport for her two week(ish) stay. We'll call tomorrow and see what's scheduled. 

That was our day! Hope your Palm Sunday was great. 

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