This afternoon, while the crew cleaned up at the Staggermen's, Mark trimmed palm trees and I made a necklace for a pal. Dawn phoned about 3 o'clock and invited us for, leftovers!. We were happy to join them plus Robbie and Belize were invited too. 👍🏻 The menu is wine, more wine, chicken, condiments and carrots. We had so much fun tonight reliving all the party highlights and watching RanDawn open a few gifts!
The honeymoon's supposed to be over ...
"🎶Pour me a cold one and oh by the way🎶 ... haha! I see 2 photo bombers!
While the girls were slaving away setting the table and cooking the evening meal ...
the boys were lazing away watching football. 🙄 (I KNOW Rick M will have a comment!) 😃
Randy and Dawn opened a few gifts they didn't get to late last night.
Ha! They loved Lew 'n Lynn's dinner in a basket with wine! Randy liked the hat strainer and Dawn helped Randy with the "ball" scratcher. Bwahahaha.
Dawn loves lottery tickets and was thrilled with multi-tickies and Randy liked the wine! Heehee!
It was our last evening of 2016 with JillBob as they fly north tomorrow. We always have fun with those two! Safe travels kids! Muah! 💕 "🎶We'll see you in September (actually more like July) 🎶!"
Back home, Marky's 💤 and the doggies are upside down in their beds! Ta Ta til tomorrow. Muah 💋
Lazy Bastards.