Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Game Day 3/8/16

Good morning from sunny Central Florida. Mark was up first and started cooking our breakfast. The aroma wafted into the bedroom and got me up by 830. The birds were waiting for me to fill the feeder; two Cardinals were waiting on fresh birdbath water, and our Scotties were waiting on their breakfast. All that had to be done before I could open my first diet Sunkist orange. LOL. Was it worth my laying about an extra hour? Yeah, it was. 

Now it's time to catch up on the laundry before this afternoon's game day at Carin's. Meanwhile, Belize was on a huge, gleeful dog run. (I wondered about it, but carried on cleaning house.) Then, zoom ... zoom went Robbie! Yep, Mark had just bathed them in the kitchen sink. LOL. Apparently, they felt great. Now I have more towels to wash. 

Mark is pricing new shocks for his hunting truck; a 2000 Merc Mountainteer ... "Da Mounty."  $450 quote from Pep Boys; and now he's watching a how-to-video on U-Tube. 

Three pals arrived after I took this picture...we had a fun game day, as always!
Today 5 played Rummikube...the rest Mexican Dominoes! We missed Nancy as she was at Thomas' first chemo.  We're thinking about them this afternoon. 

Mark took a drive to O'Reilly's and bought two rear shocks for $25 each. We shall see just how easy they are to install. That's the plan for next week!

Belize and Robbie were happy to hear me coming home at 4:30!  Yes, Mark was home, but they were both on the front porch, watching. So sweet!

We're excited for our upcoming RV weekend! 

Tonight ... "Billions" - binge watching. Ta ta til tomorrow. 

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