Mark and I are (still) working on our RV today.
I'm Re-lining the cabinets with Rubbermaid no slip shelf liner. Things are getting sorted at the same time!
Well that kicked my butt. I've got a sore back now! LOL. It's nothing that 2 Advil and a lay down on the sofa won't cure!!
At 4:30 we watched the local news then went out back for happy hour with the kids. Funny, but our pals (and neighbors ALL refer to our pups as "the kids!"!
Well, here are Robbie and Belize sitting at the back patio bar. LOL. We just finished our koobie and cheese snacks. (They had Mother Hubbard's peanut butter biscuits.)
Meanwhile, Bob and Jill are on their way home to Canada. They will spend tonight at Ashley and Kyle's; pick up their dog at the kennel, then drive home tomorrow. We hope the trip goes well.
Tomorrow, we will finish our backsplash project in the RV and begin loading for our three day trip. We have booked a golf cart for our adventure weekend! I'm sure it will be lots of fun!!!
That's it for this evening. Ta ta till tomorrow!