Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday, August 25, 2017

Good afternoon. It's a warm steamy one with thunderstorms forecast this afternoon. That Hurricane Harvey looks as if it will hit Texas hard. Mark remembers the name by saying Harvey wall banger and indeed it might be. Fingers crossed 🤞 for a lesser event than forecast. Stay safe everyone. Maggi F mentioned they may not have a winter home to sell after the storm. 😟

Robbie and BeeZee are very happy to be back home with their fenced patio and not being walked 5 times a day; Mark too!  😎 It's HOT on the asphalt ... too hot for Spot. 

Yikes! 😜

We finished our work in time for happy hour on the front porch. Well, actually, it began raining so it was just time to quit. Ha ha. So we poured some wine and enjoyed the rain! (And 🍷)

Ta Ta. 

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