Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Robs, Beez and I began our day on the front porch at dawn and listen to the morning birdsong. Lovely! (It's a bit worrisome that our Rocky hasn't been home in nearly a week for worms.) 

Finally, rain was forecast for our area. We are short 5 inches so far this year. Things are very dry, especially our neighbor's lawn! 🙄 Anyway, Randy called about 10 o'clock that he was popping in for coffee as their golf had been interrupted by thunderstorms at the second hole. It was great to see him and hear their stories of adventure in Chicago. Of course poor Dawn was at work today after not getting home until almost 1 o'clock in the morning! Yikes. 

Randy liked the dogs haircuts that Mark gave them yesterday.
There was enough hair on the floor for two more Scotties to wear after Marky was finished the grooming Ha ha. Never mind, they will be nice and cool with the warmer weather coming. 

After doing a few chores today, we settled on the front porch to enjoy the steady rain with a glass of wine. (And cheese.) Hey; what's wine without cheese?

Sue & Wayne are coming to visit Easter weekend! Yay. They won't stay in our driveway with their motorhome as it's getting too hot ... we can only provide 30 amp power; not enough to run more than one air conditioner in their rig. Anyway, they are booked into Fishermen's Cove, Tavares. It's a nice place, and fairly close by. 

We heard through Pam that our niece Olivia is graduating in May with an associate's degree! She would like us to come to Port Royal, South Carolina for the ceremony. We shall see what we can do. Her graduation is May 12 or thereabouts. 

We had an OMG moment today during the thunderstorm. Mark was walking our dogs when he noticed Lew on the slippery roof picking leaves out of his gutter. Whhhaaaatttt? Crazy koo koo! 

The rain continues this evening so it's TV time right after we box up an eBay sale! 👍🏻

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