Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lodge Border & Game Day ... 4/28/16

It's a great day in the neighborhood! Yes, it's a front door open kind of morning, but predicted to be very hot by 4 o'clock! The calendar says spring, but with a hint of summer in the air. Mark cooked us some kielbasa and eggs for breakfast ... and an egg for Belize and Robbie to share! After some doggy kisses and snuggles, they wanted their walk.

Jill sent an email last night with a photo of Sadie sporting her summer haircut. 
Lookin' good Miss Sadie! Jill and Bob have their November travel scheduled. (I bet Sadie doesn't know!) LOL. They're flying into South Carolina for Randy & Dawn's marriage, then joining them on the honeymoon cruise. (We'll have a few nights with all 4 of them before the ship leaves!) That'll be a booze cruise!

Our plans today include wallpapering ... which might include cussing ... and game day for me at Rose's house. 

First, off with the old !!!
Yank it. LOL

The fun part, right Marky?
The RV is surprisingly square!

My happy camper loves the lodge border!
We finished in time for me to attend game day at 1 o'clock. Yay!

Anita made a great Rummikube play ...
We were all laughing and cheering. Rose, across the table, was hostess. She had great snacks! (And no bake peanut butter pretzel chocolate bars!) It was so much fun! I wasn't drinking wine ... and won 4 rounds! They're insisting I drink with them next game day. Ha ha. 

I arrived home at 4:30 ... Mark had cleaned up our RV muddle and hauled the boathouse fire trash out. Nice! Randy phoned and had just finished up at Dawn's house for the day so I suggested he pop in for a cold beer. He did and had a Clamato and beer with Mark. 

Tonight, Alone and Blacklist are on the Telly. So, it's snuggle buggle time with the pups. Ta Ta!

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